Telling a secret! sshhhh...

I have a secret to share..

i passed a test..heheh..wat test let it be a secret first!..had to take 6 papers all in one day…tp the funny part was..did’nt xpect to pass at all coz..during the maths paper..i wasted 10-12 minutes coz had to really visit Dr. T (ladies la….) ..seriosa x leh control punya!! Of all the papers I thot to myself y must it be the maths paper..the test was quite ez but u had to do it within a very2 limited I didn’t xpect much of the exam outcome as I blew the maths’s still a along way to go..keeping my fingers cross thou..there’ll be 2 more hurdles before I can call everythg a pls pray for me..i soo need a change of job…