Away Again..
I'll be away for 5 days n 4 nite's folks..going to a course at teluk batik lumut...i have to leave my humty dumpty harris AGAIN..huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...thank god its only 4 nites (i calculate nites as it seems shorter)...till then..
The one With FOUR
this is a disapproving look from my young padawan..the look that he does not like what his mama is doing...

I know im not supposed to SPLURGE...bcoz..
1. Ive not been recieving any pay cheque since the last three months..HUHUHUHhhuhuh...
2. Ive been zapping My card..n i feel SOOOO guilty about it...(but yet i still do it)
But I can't help it..i had to have these...yes all these..not just one or two..but all FOUR..

the consolation is that all this was bought for the price of RM100.80.. a sucker for BARGAINS!!

I know im not supposed to SPLURGE...bcoz..
1. Ive not been recieving any pay cheque since the last three months..HUHUHUHhhuhuh...
2. Ive been zapping My card..n i feel SOOOO guilty about it...(but yet i still do it)
But I can't help it..i had to have these...yes all these..not just one or two..but all FOUR..

Im sorry...
56 to 58.......
My dad was to retire ths coming 14 August...initially he will still be working for UTM but on contract basis (that's the benefit of being an academician...ur service grows with ur age unlike other professions...after 56 ur expertise goes down the hill..(Read: they don't need u anymore)
Being on a contract basis..will entitle my dad to get his pension + his normal pay including all the hobbits of allowances (sgt best!!) it seems ur actuallygonna get 1.5 more of ur pay..but actually NO..just slightly more..(gomen pandai..xkan nak bayar gaji they'll cut here n there basically he'll get a fraction more lah..)
But all that took a huge turn last weekend when Pak Lah announced that the mandatory retirement age for Civil Servants will be extended to 58 effective 1st July kapush!!! dad does not have to retire afterall...still good n kicking in service..thou he won't get the xtra out of contract but i believe its ok..afterall all he's debt free now...n Im happy (ths part my hubby x suka..hehhehe) Y bcoz being the only daughter im still my father's little gurl ...only now my dad could spend a little more on us..after all the hard a way i know he couldn't give me a lot wen i was still his responsibility( althou i did'nt face hardship thruot...just that luxury was not an option) that he can...Im married with a I guess in a way he still helps me out thou i never ask...he would all of a sudden give me $$..or pay for somethg....heheh its nice to hav daddy's help once in a while..
So in other words Im benefiting now that the retirement age has been extended...n it applies to me too..thou i hope i don't hav to slog myself to work till Im 58..heheheh
Being on a contract basis..will entitle my dad to get his pension + his normal pay including all the hobbits of allowances (sgt best!!) it seems ur actuallygonna get 1.5 more of ur pay..but actually NO..just slightly more..(gomen pandai..xkan nak bayar gaji they'll cut here n there basically he'll get a fraction more lah..)
But all that took a huge turn last weekend when Pak Lah announced that the mandatory retirement age for Civil Servants will be extended to 58 effective 1st July kapush!!! dad does not have to retire afterall...still good n kicking in service..thou he won't get the xtra out of contract but i believe its ok..afterall all he's debt free now...n Im happy (ths part my hubby x suka..hehhehe) Y bcoz being the only daughter im still my father's little gurl ...only now my dad could spend a little more on us..after all the hard a way i know he couldn't give me a lot wen i was still his responsibility( althou i did'nt face hardship thruot...just that luxury was not an option) that he can...Im married with a I guess in a way he still helps me out thou i never ask...he would all of a sudden give me $$..or pay for somethg....heheh its nice to hav daddy's help once in a while..
So in other words Im benefiting now that the retirement age has been extended...n it applies to me too..thou i hope i don't hav to slog myself to work till Im 58..heheheh
Dear papa
Eversince u started ur new job u never pick me up anymore..i only see u late at's usually ur face first thing in the morning..n its usually u who picks me up from its either uncle im or mama...ur hardly at home to bring me out for my evening walks...
mama has her hands full..she never stops working from the second she reaches home till very-very late at nite..
Papa, do u know that im teething? that's y ive been very-very fussy..especially late at night..thou i know u sometimes do take care of me during the wee hours of the morning...its mama who i see the most...
Im not complaining neither is mama, we know ur doing this for us..its just that its such a rapid transition..from u being regularly around us to minimal existence...mama also just shifted jobs but her routine seems the same...just hope that u can work ur way around ur tite schedule to be with us more...
Im growing papa..if ur away most of the time..u'll miss every milestone i reach...n u can't turn the clock..i do not intend to make mama suffer when i feel pain...i know mama is sooo tired..taking care of her work, me the hsehold chores...but i need her..
Papa: we just hope u can be with us more like usual n this will be just a period that will pass...
We love u papa
Harris (narrated by mama)
Burnt Toast & Serai
I heart my SIL..she gave me this last weekend

i think it's for my birthday preSent..(im saying ths bcoz she just gave it to assuming my bday was last week ths is the gift lah..heheh).. I once mentioned that I wanted to get ths book...Y? bcoz I THINK (read: Ive yet to hav the luxury to be indulge in it!!) I can relate to her..I saw Teri on Oprah a while back...she spoke about ths book in which she stated that she went thru a LOT of ups and downs in her life..she seemed very pure and sincere (she did'nt even mentioned about being a glam figure) not like other celebrities who writes a biography or even a book for the $$$ involved in it...the plus factor of all of this, is the fact that Teri is a close morph of her character in Desperate Housewives..A Blur n clumsy housewife, who TRIES HARD to make things rite..which is soo ME...I really..really hope this book won't dissapoint me..I'll blog about it wen I've finished..n harris Only aunt oso gave me the Damier Canvas Key and Change holder...I loikee...thank you..just the rite color..I lurve bags in white/ivory/beige/cream...
On the happenings of last hubby n the KAZZEN gang went for a Go-Kart outing in Shah Alam..after that we went to dine at a nice restaurant in Section 3..It's a Thai restaurant called SERAI..the food was scrumptious..but didn't manage to capture the photo as I was bz wif my little one...however u guys can enjoy the ambiance of the place..very nice..
With papa at Naili's USJ..(Ni xde kene mengena ngan Serai..saja je..)
So before u guys ask me for the address/locality of the place Im saving u all the effort here it is:
Serai Thai Restaurant,
No. 5, Jalan Sena,
3/13A, Shah Alam Selangor
Tel: 03-5505729
(the price is very reasonable, but taklah mcm gerai tomyam..hehehe)

i think it's for my birthday preSent..(im saying ths bcoz she just gave it to assuming my bday was last week ths is the gift lah..heheh).. I once mentioned that I wanted to get ths book...Y? bcoz I THINK (read: Ive yet to hav the luxury to be indulge in it!!) I can relate to her..I saw Teri on Oprah a while back...she spoke about ths book in which she stated that she went thru a LOT of ups and downs in her life..she seemed very pure and sincere (she did'nt even mentioned about being a glam figure) not like other celebrities who writes a biography or even a book for the $$$ involved in it...the plus factor of all of this, is the fact that Teri is a close morph of her character in Desperate Housewives..A Blur n clumsy housewife, who TRIES HARD to make things rite..which is soo ME...I really..really hope this book won't dissapoint me..I'll blog about it wen I've finished..n harris Only aunt oso gave me the Damier Canvas Key and Change holder...I loikee...thank you..just the rite color..I lurve bags in white/ivory/beige/cream...
On the happenings of last hubby n the KAZZEN gang went for a Go-Kart outing in Shah Alam..after that we went to dine at a nice restaurant in Section 3..It's a Thai restaurant called SERAI..the food was scrumptious..but didn't manage to capture the photo as I was bz wif my little one...however u guys can enjoy the ambiance of the place..very nice..

So before u guys ask me for the address/locality of the place Im saving u all the effort here it is:
Serai Thai Restaurant,
No. 5, Jalan Sena,
3/13A, Shah Alam Selangor
Tel: 03-5505729
(the price is very reasonable, but taklah mcm gerai tomyam..hehehe)
P/s i should be getting discount for free promotion of this eatery...
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